What Just Happened?

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most disruptive forces that we have experienced in humankind for millennia. It has caused a devastating amount of loss, destruction, grief, and financial ruin. Humans, predominantly social creatures, were forced into periods of isolation which went against every instinct of our human nature. Restrictions, with varying severities, were imposed in nearly every single country, with very few people escaping any mental detriment.

  • Schools were closed.
  • Offices and workplaces were vacated.
  • People’s homes became their offices.
  • The roads became deserted, with few cars rolling through.
  • Supermarkets were filled with mass hysteria.
  • No toilet paper left on the shelves.
  • Sanitiser everywhere.
  • Face masks were a mass produced.
  • And as chaos spread, we waited indoors, and watched our world crumble before us on the news.

COVID-19 clearly demonstrated vulnerabilities that existed in our already fragile man-made ecosystem. Healthcare systems were challenged and sometimes brought its knees. Care homes for the elderly or disabled became isolation rooms and subsequently graveyards. Schools became abandoned.

Everyday life seemed to be turned on its head, and my book – What Just Happened explores the collective grieving process that the world experienced, as they regretted not taking that last opportunity to go dancing, to the BBQ with friends or to hug a loved one.

The impact on mental health worldwide has been immeasurable to date. Although it cannot be measured, what is clear is that it must not be forgotten. What is forgotten, is due to be repeated, and we do not want history to repeat itself. There are lessons to be learned from this human experience. This is an ongoing dialogue.

Millions of people around the world were woken up to a harsh lesson from life about their life, their relationships, and the purpose of their existence on this Earth.

COVID-19 forced people to change their way of life in a quick and rapid fashion, both physically and mentally people had to quickly adapt to a new lifestyle. This of course caused trauma for many people across the world, as the world they knew was completely turned on its head.

To contain the rapid spread of COVID-19, drastic measures such as isolation and quarantine were followed. People were prevented from human contact; in shops, schools, weddings, funerals…A wide range of everyday occasions and momentous life events, such as the birth of a baby.

Inevitably, as this was a brand-new virus, this meant that there is little research on the impact of COVID-19, let alone tips and tricks for how to survive in a pandemic. Pandemics and their impact had very little research, and the study of humans forced in isolation is very small as well. This makes every piece of research on COVID-19 and how to survive the mental trauma of loneliness and illness very useful.

Acknowledging these feelings of distress an isolation is as therapeutic, as avoiding the issue can cause complications for years to come.  What Just happened aims to help people to realise how to achieve a secure mental emotional and spiritual, physical well-being during this most recent test of humankind.

Perhaps the most inspiring message that was spread, was the consistent message of hope. Hope within a neighbourhood, hope with family and friendships.  Throughout this pandemic, communities have pulled together. Mother Nature has begun to heal herself. Families have spent more time together than ever. The benefits of working from home has been experienced. For some debts have been repaid. Others loss of business or change of lifestyle.

If you are suffering from any mental distress, just don’t feel like yourself, you should consider arranging a meeting with your trusted medical practitioner to discuss arranging therapy or counselling sessions.

Are you still feeling the impact of the pandemic? Explore deeper insights and strategies in ‘What Just Happened’. Order your copy now via my website to navigate through these unprecedented times with resilience and hope.